Одоогоор мэдэгдэл алга байна

Үндсэн хувилбар

Адра Монгол

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл

Finance Officer

3,000,000 - 4,000,000 ₮
CV илгээх

Гүйцэтгэх үндсэн үүрэг



  1. Provide the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of the finance department.
  2. Develop, maintain and review internal control systems and accounting policies. Ensure that all documentation is adequate and complete.
  3. Recommend strategy for solving systemic finance-problems and for structuring new/modified systems.
  4. Oversee the accounting and tracking of all ADRA Mongolia resources in accordance with ADRA and donor regulations.
  5. Oversee all ADRA banking transactions including: movement of funds, fund requests to donors, exchange of currency, separation of accounts, opening and closing of accounts, regular reconciliation of accounts, and maintenance of banking records.
  6. Ensure completion of all financial reports as required for local program management, ADRA institutions, donors, and government bodies.
  7. Implement a comprehensive fixed asset and inventory control system, including consumables. Include identification system for all capital assets, maintenance of fixed asset ledger, and routine monitoring of inventory reconciliations for expendables.
  8. Process disbursement of funds for authorized ADRA Mongolia Administration and project expenditures. Ensure that all ADRA Mongolia expenditures of funds conform to: ADRA and donor regulations, budget limits, use or purpose originally intended.
  9. Regularly prepare and examine financial statements, bank and journal vouchers.
  10. Work closely with Internal Auditors to ensure a high standard of compliance with all donor policies.
  11. Prepare or revise ADRA Mongolia or project budgets as required.
  12. Ensure the timely submission of fund advance requests or expense vouchers to donors as necessary.
  13. Implement audit recommendations as necessary to ensure ADRA Mongolia compliance with ADRA, Donor, and Government accounting standards.
  14. Ensure prompt payment and reconciliation between ADRA Administration, project, and external entities.
  15. Oversee the payroll system and payment of employee income taxes to host government.
  16. Prepare country office annual operating budget and annual financial statements.
  17. Monitor the spend-down of funds of projects to ensure conformance to budget and project timeline.
  18. Ensure appropriate budgeting process when preparing new project concept notes and full proposals.




  1. Manage and record all contracts and agreements signed on behalf of the Agency. Ensure the compliance to donor regulations, and budgetary constraints.
  2. Oversight of the physical maintenance of ADRA Mongolia office, storage, and ex-pat housing facilities including all structural, electrical or generator, plumbing, air-conditioning, appliances, furnishings, grounds, painting, etc. Including any necessary construction or additions.
  3. Oversee the maintenance and payment of any public utilities or service: water, sewer, electricity, telephone.
  4. Oversee maintenance, servicing, and repair of all ADRA Mongolia office equipment: i.e. computers, printers, software, photocopiers, radios, telephones, and office furnishings.
  5. Maintenance of necessary insurance coverage for ADRA Mongolia: assets, personnel injury, and general liability.
  6. Oversee travel arrangements for expatriate staff and consultants including purchase of airfare, arrangement of accommodations and overseeing the logistics for ADRA consultants and guests.
  7. Oversee the Insurance, licensing, maintenance, repair, and allocation of all ADRA Mongolia vehicles and motor equipment to conform to donor and ADRA regulations and extend useful service life. Including oversight of the purchase and maintenance of necessary spare parts inventory.
  8. Oversee the purchasing, accounting, and maintenance of inventories of any necessary office supplies/equipment, including monthly distribution of costs between projects and administration.
  9. Provision supervision and monitoring to ensure the protection of ADRA Mongolia property or assets.




  1. Officially represent ADRA Mongolia in all financial communication with the Senior Management, donors and constituents. Negotiate with the donors and constituents regarding financial issues.
  2. Be participative and active in a mentoring role to enhance the financial management potential of all senior management of the process. Building financial capacity with the team.
  3. Accomplish any other tasks requested by the Country Director for the well-being of the department
  4. Be honest in all undertakings and comply and/or respect the Seventh-day Adventist principles and moral standards.
  5. Assist Country Director in Human resource related issues (focus: employee-employer relations)

Ажлын байранд тавигдах шаардлага

  • At least a bachelor’s degree in areas of Accounting and Economics and have a minimum of 5 years experience working in an INGO environment
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills (both in Mongolian and English)
  • English proficiency in written and spoken language is required.
  • Positive attitude and team player spirit
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Computer skills
  • Full compliance with ADRA’s faith-based Christian values, principles, and work standards
  • Knowledgeable about Mongolian tax regulations and requirements.

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл


Responsible for all Administrative and Financial operations of ADRA Mongolia, ensuring compliance with internal ADRA Mongolia policies, donors and government regulations.


БайршилУлаанбаатар хот, Баянзүрх дүүрэг
СалбарТөрийн болон төрийн бус байгууллага, ОУБ
ТөрөлБүтэн цагийн

Холбоо барих


Зар нийтэлсэн огноо

2024-07-03 14:46

Компанийн дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэлтэй энд дарж танилцана уу.

Энэ салбарын бусад зарууд

Архив, бичиг хэрэг, захирлын туслахЭрчим хүчний эдийн засгийн хүрээлэн ТӨААТҮГ
Хураамж төвлөрүүлэлтийн байцаагчСүхбаатар дэвшил менежмент ААТҮГ
Гэрээ эрхзүй хариуцсан ахлах мэргэжилтэнХэсэгчилсэн инженерийн хангамжийн удирдах газар
Project Manager, MACSSАзийн сан
Гадаад харилцааны мэргэжилтэнМонголын Хөрөнгийн Бирж ХК
Project Development Team's SpecialistGood Neighbors Mongolia INGO
МенежерМонголын Хөлбөмбөгийн Холбоо
Нийгмийн ажилтанКристина Ноблийн Хүүхдийн Сан
Мэдээлэл технологи цахимжуулалт хариуцсан мэргэжилтэнМонгол наадам цогцолбор ОНӨТҮГ
Healthcare Programme ManagerКристина Ноблийн Хүүхдийн Сан
Сэтгэл зүйчКристина Ноблийн Хүүхдийн Сан
Төсөл боловсруулахЗүймэл даавуун урлалын төв /ШЗ ТББ
Хяналт-шинжилгээ, үнэлгээ хариуцсан ахлах мэргэжилМонгол наадам цогцолбор ОНӨТҮГ
Сэтгэл зүйч /Төсөл/Кристина Ноблийн Хүүхдийн Сан
Хятад хэлтэй нийгмийн ажилтанТайваний Хүүхэд Гэр бүлийг Дэмжих Сан
НяравХан-Уул зам засвар арчлал
Шинэ цэнгэлдэх хүрээлэнгийн төслийн менежерТӨВ ЦЭНГЭЛДЭХ ХҮРЭЭЛЭН ХХК
Accountant/Procurement OfficerАдра Монгол
Stakeholder and Partner engagement officerЖэрэс ОУБ-ын Монгол дахь төлөөлөгчийн газар

Монголын иргэн бүрд ажлын байр!.


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