HSE Officer
Job description
- Partners with customers, facilities, contractors and others to provide project management, design, quotes, scheduling, and coordination for facility-related projects.
- Works with corporate indirect purchte contacts into place, and negotiate cost reductions with suppliers to the facility; maintains relationships with various suppliers and vendors of services provided to the facility; coordinates with furniture and office equipment vendors to ensure appropriate furnishings and services.
- Conducts improvements and needs analyses; assists with planning for changes and improvements; schedules and implements plan; reviews results upon completion.
- Communicates changes and improvements to affected facility occupants.
- Conducts with developing, documenting, and reporting budgets for approval process; creates and writes purchase orders; approves payment of invoices.
- Coordinates real estate project and construction project implementation. Learns to update, edit and print CAD layouts and master plans; manages floor space and office space all locations within master plan.
- Coordinates installation of communications equipment with internal and external suppliers and customers.
Job requirements
High school diploma or certificate of completion of secondary education or equivalent experience to the extent such experience meets applicable regulations. A two year University degree in Industrial Safety or related field preferred.
Experience: Requires significant relevant work experience or specialized skills obtained through education, training or on-the-job experience in health and safety
Additional information
- "Үндсэн цалин + 13дахь сарын цалин + Бонус цалин+ Хоолны мөнгө "
- Ажлын цаг 7:30-16:00
- Хувийн эрүүл мэндийн даатгал
- Ажилтнуудын нэгдсэн унаа
- Ажилтны Эрүүл Мэндийн Цалинтай чөлөө
- Жил бүр 1 удаа үндсэн цалин нэмэх
- Social Club
- Мэргэжил дээшлүүлэх сургалтын дотоод мэдээллийн хязгааргүй сүлжээ
- Fortune 500 жагсаалтын 121-т жагсдаг дэлхийн шилдэг компанийн Монгол дах албан ёсны салбар нэгж
- Ажлын 5 өдрийн 1 өдрийг сонгож, гэрээсээ ажиллах боломж
Other details
LocationUlaanbaatar city, Bayangol district
Contact info
Phone(+976) 8003-3556, (+976) 8009-3556
Job advertisement posted date
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