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  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл

Project Manager, MACSS

5,000,000 - 6,000,000 MNT   /Monthly/
CV илгээх

Job description

The Asia Foundation (the Foundation) is seeking a qualified Project Manager to support the effective implementation of the Media and Civil Society Strengthening (MACSS) in Mongolia Project.


The MACSS project is a five-year (2023-2028) project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the CSM-STAND consortium led by Pact. In Mongolia, The Asia Foundation is the lead implementer.

The MACSS project aims to contribute to effective and transparent democratic governance in Mongolia by working with the civil society and media sectors. These sectors have a critical role to play in informing and engaging citizens, ensuring access to quality information, and finding ways to constructively engage the government to increase social accountability and effective policy-making and implementation. The project is structured around four cross-cutting pathways: (1) strengthening civil society capacity; (2) expanding civic space; (3) enhancing investigative journalism and the media; and (4) combatting the influence of disinformation.

REPORTS TO: Chief of Party, MACSS Project


The Project Manager will support the effective implementation of the MACSS project and related initiatives by providing technical, operational, and administrative assistance. This includes stakeholder engagement, activity reporting, monitoring partner organizations, and coordinating events. The Project Manager will also contribute to strategy and content development for ongoing programs.


  • Government Relations: Support the Chief of Party in managing relationships with national and local governments to achieve project goals.
  • Civil Society Engagement: Build and maintain relationships with key civil society actors at both national and provincial levels.
  • Team Management: Oversee a Senior Project Officer and Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer.
  • Grants and Contracts: Lead the development and management of grants and contracts as directed.
  • Reporting: Assist in drafting the project's quarterly and final reports and in monitoring project activities.
  • Budget and Timeline Management: Support the Chief of Party in overall budget management and tracking the timeline and due dates of project activities.
  • Administrative Support: Manage project-related administrative and financial documentation, including drafting and ensuring quality assurance of memos, letters, and other correspondence to stakeholders.
  • Strategic Planning: Support the Chief of Party and Country Representative in planning and strategy development for future programming.

Job requirements


The ideal candidate will have a strong background in project management, experience leading civil society and good governance projects in Mongolia, and strong communication skills to effectively work with civil society, media, government, and donor representatives. Experience working on large donor-funded projects is required. Specific required/desired qualifications include:

  • Graduate degree in political science, sociology, or related fields in the social sciences.
  • At least seven years of project management work experience.
  • At least five years of relevant experience in strengthening civil society, social accountability, civic engagement, and/or independent media.
  • Significant knowledge and understanding of media, civil society, and good governance issues in Mongolia.
  • Demonstrated project management experience, including planning, budgeting, adaptive management or collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) approaches, and monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL).
  • Excellent team building and management abilities.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Mongolian.
  • Past experience working on USAID initiatives will be an advantage.

Additional information

How to apply: We are seeking qualified Mongolian national candidates for the position of Project Manager. Please note that this position is being re-advertised. Previous applicants do not need to reapply. Applications for this position will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed as they are received. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Applications should be submitted to jobs.mongolia @ asiafoundation.org. Please combine your cover letter and resume in one PDF document and submit them as an attachment. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. The Asia Foundation is an equal opportunity employer, EOE/M/F/D/V.


Visit our website to read more about our safeguard commitments, including Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment and Code of Business Ethics.

Other details

LocationUlaanbaatar city, Sukhbaatar district
FieldPublic Services, NGOs
LevelMid-Level management

Contact info


Job advertisement posted date

2024-07-01 09:38

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Энэ салбарын бусад зарууд

Гадаад харилцааны мэргэжилтэнМонголын Хөрөнгийн Бирж ХК
Ерөнхий инженерМонгол наадам цогцолбор ОНӨТҮГ
Маркетинг, PR хариуцсан мэргэжилтэнМБИ Холбоо
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Төсөл боловсруулахЗүймэл даавуун урлалын төв /ШЗ ТББ
ХАБЭА-н хэлтсийн даргаМҮЭ-ийн холбоо
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Accountant/Procurement OfficerАдра Монгол
Төслийн ажилтанМонголын барилгын үндэсний ассоциаци
Эдийн засаг, судалгаа төлөвлөлтийн мэргэжилтэнХот төлөвлөлт, судалгааны институт ОНӨААТҮГ
Гадаад харилцаа, сургалт хариуцсан мэргэжилтэнМонголын хөдөө аж ахуйн хоршоологчдын үндэсний холбоо ТББ
Архивын эрхлэгчХот төлөвлөлт, судалгааны институт ОНӨААТҮГ
Эрх зүй, дотоод хяналтын мэргэжилтэнСүхбаатар дэвшил менежмент ААТҮГ
Participatory Guarantee System/Communications OfficerАДРА НҮТББ
ЦахилгаанчинМонгол наадам цогцолбор ОНӨТҮГ
Архив, бичиг хэрэг, захирлын туслахЭрчим хүчний эдийн засгийн хүрээлэн ТӨААТҮГ
МенежерМонголын Хөлбөмбөгийн Холбоо
Шинэ цэнгэлдэх хүрээлэнгийн төслийн менежерТӨВ ЦЭНГЭЛДЭХ ХҮРЭЭЛЭН ХХК
Сэтгэл зүйч /Төсөл/Кристина Ноблийн Хүүхдийн Сан

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