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Жэрэс ОУБ-ын Монгол дахь төлөөлөгчийн газар

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл

Stakeholder and Partner engagement officer

2,500,000 - 3,000,000 MNT   /Monthly/
CV илгээх

Job description

Under the supervision of the Country Director/SOAPII Project Manager and the Deputy Project Manager, in coordination with project partners, the Stakeholder and Partner engagement officer will be mainly in charge of the following activities:

➢    Lead with the support of specific consultants to develop a toolbox and certification/label system.

o   Develop and set-up (print/publish) a comprehensive replication toolbox of the project (financial options, awareness raising & social mobilization, capacity building, technical assistance, cost estimates for deployment, budgeting & planning, impact monitoring methodology,...). Work closely with the Geres SOAP team and implementing partners.

  • Update the toolbox based on capitalization/lessons learned study recommendation and update the toolbox on an annual basis.

o   Set up the certification/label system.


➢    The focal point for communicating with external stakeholders related to the toolbox, handover, and sharing experience.

  • Initiate dialogue and ensure the commitment of seven provinces to implement the replication toolbox.
  • Act as the focal point in communication with external stakeholders including but not limited to relevant Ministries, Municipality, ERC and province authorities. Coordinate with project implementing partners on advocacy activities.
  • Coordinate and lead the implementation of the replication pilot in Darkhan-Uul province.
  • Identify the most suitable public-private organizations to hand over the project replication toolbox. Coordinate and lead the handover activities.
  • Work closely with implementing partners to develop project sustainability plans and implementation.


  • Conduct training/organize events/workshops.
  • Organize introduction training/workshop of the toolbox to the interested seven provinces (at least one regional event /workshop, dissemination, and publication)
  • Organize the EU study tour to learn about sustainable finance with Mongolian regulators, policymakers, and bank representatives. (Prepare the agenda and identify the list of participants, logistics, and visas with support from volunteer)
  • Act as the main organizer of the PEAC meeting (Project External Advisory Committee) twice a year in both Ulaanbaatar city and Darkhan-Uul province.


  • Develop study and consultancy ToR and follow up with service providers/consultants.
  • Study on Capitalization/Lessons Learned to update the replication toolbox
  • Label
  • Darkhan-Uul province baseline and gap analysis study
  • Study on scale-up financing and sustainability
  • Advocacy paper and regulation drafts based on project experience and study results for scaling up NBFI products and saving groups.
  • Follow-up other studies being conducted by project implementing partners. Capitalize study results/recommendations in advocacy actions.
  • Be the focal point for learning and sharing experiences with other countries of the FRESH project, especially with Tajikistan.


  • Work closely, with a sense of diplomacy but rigor, with the Deputy Project Manager, partners, and Geres’s SOAP team on implementing activities and compliance.


  • Respect and ensure the respect of Geres’s internal Admin and HR procedures and Mongolian legislation with relevant stakeholders


➢    Ensure proper reporting and archival of mandatory project documents

  • Submit quarterly, annual, and final reports to the deputy project manager
  • Archive project documents/templates on Google Drive.


⮚     Fulfill other duties as requested and/or needed by Geres’s Deputy Project Manager and the Country Director.

Job requirements

Education and experience

  • A required Master's degree in Management, Business, Communication, External Relations, Public Administration, Governance, Social sciences, or a relevant field.
  • Minimum 3 years work experience in international organizations and development agencies.
  • Proven track record of producing study ToRs, following up consultancy work, working with service providers, developing recommendations/position papers, developing toolbox/label/certification, conducting training, organizing events, and communicating with domestic and international partners. Working experience with government organizations will be an advantage.


  • Knowledge about the project toolbox/certification
  • Good knowledge of Public relations and Communication
  • Capacity to work with autonomy and in a team
  • Strong planning, organizational, and interpersonal skills
  • Capacity to dialogue and collaborate with different stakeholders
  • Precision in work, follow-up, and report writing
  • Analytical and synthetic abilities
  • Organization and attention to detail, especially meeting deadlines
  • Professional English, with excellent writing qualities
  • Fieldwork disposition, occasional travel to Darkhan-Uul and other provinces


  • Committed to Geres’ values and mission.
  • Committed to ongoing learning
  • Responsible and willing to engage in discussion, open and communicative
  • Dynamic and results-oriented, able to prioritize
  • Patient, diplomatic, resilient and stress-resistant
  • Polite and respectful of others, shows integrity and honesty
  • Flexible, willing to adapt and take on new ideas
  • Social and outgoing, collaborative in approach
  • Able to lead or follow up consultancy

Additional information


  • Status: Mongolian fixed-term contract of 12 months, renewable
  • Salary: Competitive, according to the Geres Mongolia salary scale
  • Paid leaves: 15 days per year. Can be increased based on seniority.
  • Duty station: Position based in Ulaanbaatar with occasional field trips to other provinces

This position is open only to Mongolian nationals.


To apply for this position


To apply, register your candidacy (CV + Motivation letter) to the following email address: , and the subject should be Stakeholder and Partner engagement officer”.


Deadline to apply: 25th of June 2024. 


Recommended to send the application as soon as possible as the recruitment process will end as soon as a suitable candidate is found.


Other details

LocationUlaanbaatar city, Chingeltei district
FieldPublic Services, NGOs

Contact info


Job advertisement posted date

2024-06-11 17:28

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