Одоогоор мэдэгдэл алга байна

Үндсэн хувилбар

Шангри-ла Хотел Улаанбаатар

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл
Front Office – Duty Manager

Under the guidance and supervision of the Executive Assistant Manager – you are responsible in assisting the Front Office Manager for the administration and operation of the Front Office division to provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay for customers by ensuring the implementation of company standards to maximize profits, enforce quality standards, maintain high staff performance and ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Гал тогооны угаагч (Үндсэн)

Ажлын байрны тодорхойлолтод заасны дагуу

Зочин угтах ажилтан

Зочид буудалд байрласан зочдыг зөв хурдан шуурхай мэдээлэлээр хангах, угтан авах, үдэж гаргах 

Мужаан / Засал чимэглэлчин - Зочид буудалд

Ахлах инженерийн удирдлага болон зааварчилгаан дор зочид буудлын засвар үйлчилгээг чанар стандартын дагуу хийж гүйцэтгэнэ.

CCTV Operator- Камер хянагч-Зочид буудалд

Хамгаалалтын албаны менежерийн удирдлаган доор Зочид буудлын аюулгүй ажиллагааг ханган ажиллана

CCTV Operator- Камер хянагч-Зочид буудалд

Хамгаалалтын албаны менежерийн удирдлаган доор Зочид буудлын аюулгүй ажиллагааг ханган ажиллана

Дотоод аудитын ахлах ажилтан/Oрчуулагч

Дотоод аудитын албаны аудит хийх бүрэн эрхийн хүрээнд санхүүгийн, нийцлийн, гүйцэтгэлийн аудит хийх, дүгнэлт гаргах ажлыг дотоод аудитын үйл ажиллагааны журам, Дотоод аудитын Олон Улсын Стандартад нийцүүлэн гүйцэтгэх. Дотоод аудитын албаны ажлын тайлан, Гүйцэтгэх удирдлагын ажлын яриа, email, шаардлагатай бусад албан ажлыг мэргэжлийн түвшинд Англи хэлнээс Монгол хэл рүү, Монгол хэлнээс Англи хэл рүү аман болон бичгээр орчуулга хийж ажиллах.  

Сантехникийн засварчин /Шангри-Ла Төв/

Инженерийн шууд удирдлага, зааварчилгаан дор барилгын  сантехникийн хэвийн үйл ажиллагааг хангах, инженер техникийн тоног төхөөрөмжүүдийн эвдрэл гэмтлийг засах, түрээслэгч үйлчлүүлэгч нарт сантехникийн засвар үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх  

Sales & Marketing Secretary

Under the guidance and supervision of the Director of Sales & Marketing, you will provide administrative assistance to Sales & Marketing Department and guidance to internal & external guests/ suppliers who contact or visit the Sales&Marketing office. You will assist with the administration of the day-to-day operations, duties and practices and play an active role on departmental functions.  Key responsibilities:   Performs all secretarial and administrative duties as instructed by the Division Head Ensures efficient filing system for employee files, timely submission of daily & monthly reports, incoming / outgoing files and trace files Updates all filing systems and records all expenses of sales&marketing Liaises with the Purchasing Officer on all purchase requisition issued & expedites the delivery of maintenance items and/or services Responsible for the divisions’ duty roster, leave & overtime recording and tracking in line with the payroll system Coordinate daily office related activities & accurate document processing

Sales Manager

It takes a special kind of person to work at Shangri-La: someone with an eye for details and the skills to perform; someone with an attitude to deliver and a passion to delight. Are you Shangri-La? We are diverse, warm and caring, but also demanding, dynamic and innovative.  As with every property in the group, Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar will operate on a simple yet powerful philosophy of Shangri-La hospitality from a caring family. The uniquely Asian view of service at this luxury hotel embodies the core values of respect, helpfulness, courtesy, sincerity and humility. These qualities have been the cornerstone of Shangri-La's success. We are currently seeking for a Sales Manager to join our Sales and Marketing Team.   Sales Manager Under the general guidance and supervision of the Director of Sales & Marketing and implementing action plans set forth in the Marketing Plan in accordance with established procedures required by the Hotel and Company in order to deliver the Shangri-La Standards and Experience to guests. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:   Implements all sales action plans related to his / her respective market as outlined in the Marketing Plan. Sells to new, existing and prospective customers considering goals set forth in the sales strategy, negotiating optimum rate for the benefit of the business. Carries own sales accounts and establishes personal & team sales goals, and be responsible for a representative selection of key accounts. Attends major client functions and promotional events to promote sales for the hotel and meets with all influential clients. Maintains the highest standards of professionalism and friendly attitude towards all hotel guests, clients, suppliers and colleagues and builds positive working relationships. Monitors sales production and adjust sales activities, account coverage and sales priorities as necessary to achieve plan goals. Develops annual sales department budget and executes the sales programs and activities within it.

Холбооны төвийн ажилтан / Телефон оператор

Зочид буудлын холбооны төвд ирсэн дуудлагад хурдан шуурхай үнэн зөв хариу өгч мэдээллээр хангах

Residential - Sales & Leasing Officer

The purpose of the job place is to support management in the areas of sales and leasing of the Peak Vue Residences at Shangri-La Centre. The role is to sell and lease the high-end apartments, superior amenities, and first-class service and therefore to ensure the highest occupancies of the apartment. To sell and lease apartments and services to prospects under the direct supervision of the Director of Residential Sales and Leasing. Establishes and maintains good relations with Tenants/Buyers including prospectives, international/local organizations, individuals, customers, and co-workers. Communicates with all parties in a courteous and professional manner. To negotiate on Residential Sales/Leasing contracts, compile all data for weekly/monthly financial reports regularly maintaining and updating all records and files.  To make arrangements in the contracts including amendments, extensions, terminations and etc. To submit proposals and notice urgent issues to the direct supervisor in a timely manner. To do research work of assessments in the real estate market, to assist on developing main strategy plans about organizing their implementation. To maintain detailed knowledge of the local market and conditions.  To assist in planning new marketing strategies in terms of residential sales and leasing to achieve set targets successfully. To assist Director of Residential Sales & Leasing in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies to increase property occupancy and generate revenue. To bear all the responsibilities as stated in the company rules and regulations.

Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 19 Olympic Street , Sukhbaatar District 1 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 14241

Монголын иргэн бүрд ажлын байр!.


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