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Орика Монголиа ХХК

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Orica is the world’s largest provider of commercial explosives and innovative blasting systems to the mining, quarrying, oil and gas and construction markets, a leading supplier of sodium cyanide for gold extraction, and a specialist provider of ground support services in mining and tunnelling.

Our purpose is to make our customers successful, every day, all around the world. We take pride in operating safely, responsibly and sustainably. Together, these enable us to grow and create enduring value for our shareholders.

Founded in 1874, Orica has more than 140 years of experience and investment in innovation. We are the global leader in mining and civil services, with a diverse workforce of around 11,500 employees, servicing customers across more than 100 countries. Orica is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: ORI).

Our strategy is to be the trusted partner of choice for our customers, by creating, developing and delivering mining and civil blasting and ground control solutions that help them be more productive and manage their critical risks.

We do this by bringing together: the best people; high quality products and services; safe, secure and reliable supply; and unmatched technology that creates value for our customers, today and tomorrow.

Our commitment to the safety, health and wellbeing of our people and customers, the environment, and the communities in which we operate underpins everything we do.

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Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар Дүүрэг, Даунтаун (Downtown) оффис, 8-р давхар, 801 тоот

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