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Үндсэн хувилбар

“Пи Кэй Эф Интегрейтед Финансиал Сервис ТМЗ” ХХК

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PKF-IFS was established in 2003 as Integrated Financial Services LLC (IFS) by a group of accomplished professionals to provide tax advisory services and became a member firm of PKF International since October 2020 and obtained its license to provide tax advisory, tax compliance, payroll, audit and assurance and other outsourcing services. PKF International is a world-renowned professional group composed accounting firm, law firm and consulting companies. PKF originated in London, UK in 1869. After nearly 150 years of development, PKF now has more than 400 branches in 150 countries across 5 regions and 20,000 partners and employees with professional experience.We arecommitted to serving our customers even better, we have been continuously expanding the range of our services. In addition to our core competence of accounting, taxation and business consulting, we are now in position to offer economic research and due diligence studies getting closer to our goal – provider of total business solutions tailored to our individual customer needs.

The management team comprises of professionals educated in renowned universities of US, Japan and Australia, and has extensive experience in accounting, internal and external financial reporting, taxation and tax planning.

Our team of chartered accounts is proficient in following:

  • Mongolian tax laws
  • Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, VAT, corporate tax and payroll in line with domestic and international requirements
  • “iSoft” accounting software & “Green ERP” payroll system
  • Working with original source documents

Combining education, expertise with local market knowledge and experience of working in Mongolian legal system,we are the right choicefor turning for financial and accounting services whether you are a local or international company. As our name indicates, we provide financial solutions integrated in unique needs of your business. We are committed to adding value to our clients’ business through our excellent services.

About PKF Mongolia:https://www.pkf.com/pkf-firms/asia-pacific/mongolia/pkf-ifs-mongolia-ulaanbaatar/

  • Алсын хараа

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Холбоо барих

Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, Даунтаун оффис, 701 тоот, Жамьянгийн гудамж 18 Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 1-р хороо, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол улс

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