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Үндсэн хувилбар

Эрүүл мэнд, нийгмийн бодлогын хүрээлэн

  • Ажлын байрны зар
  • Манай компани
  • Мэдээ, мэдээлэл
Project Specialist

Vacancy announcement: Health and Social Policy Institute of Mongolia (HSPIM) is seeking a full-time specialist to join our new project. The specialist will be responsible for the following duties: Represent for HSPIM in meetings and conferences, as appropriate. Collaborate with other teams to develop, write, and revise proposal documents according to donor requirements. Responsible for the development of a TB affected community lead monitoring (CLM) network to provide technical assistance to CLM members Planning and implementing Community-led monitoring  Maintain accurate records and documentation. Monitor and oversee the planned activities and reporting process of the project. Monitoring and reporting the project activities promptly Analyze the documents, surveys and cases to recommend opportunities for   concepts. Administrative tasks. Other duties as requested by the Training and Technical Assistance of the team leader

Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, СБД, 1-р хороо, Энхтайьны өргөн чөлөө, Элчингийн гудамж, Skyplaza business center #301 Утас: 7000 2444

Фэйсбүүк хуудас


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